The Initial Rejection

A little over a week ago, Hide Feed was rejected for the first time since I started publishing it back in December:

I was surprised, but in a pleasant way — I had discovered a major bug in the submitted release after uploading it, and I had been waiting for it to go live so that I can quickly follow up with a fix since the Chrome Web Store doesn't allow you to cancel submissions while they're being reviewed. I thought that the review process had somehow caught the major bug and was happy that the buggy build hadn't gone live.

The reason that they cited in the rejection seemed a bit strange:

I interpreted that to mean that since the extension didn't work as intended due to the bug, they were saying that the description didn't accurately describe the functionality.

I submitted the fixed build with the expectation that it would be accepted without issues.

The Second Rejection

The following day, I woke up to the same exact rejection email:

This email was completely identical to the first one, including the reason for rejection. I had been wrong about the bug being the cause of the rejection. At this point, I wasn't sure why Hide Feed was being rejected, and I didn't want to risk getting banned from the Chrome Web Store (or having my entire Google account suspended?) by repeating the mysterious violation:

Requesting Clarification

I asked for clarification:

The following day, I received a reply: