My sister has this hanging in her apartment, and the it kept coming to mind over the last 36 hours.
I call my parents to ask them how they're doing. My stepmom tells me that they tried to buy supplies at Costco but that most things were out of stock. I send her a picture of me trying on the suit I'm wearing for my friend's wedding in Atlanta tomorrow.
Dave, one of the organizers behind the Hacker Fellowship, messages me to tell me that they're making an announcement tomorrow about changes they're making to the fellowship due to the coronavirus. I tell him that I'm flying out for a wedding in the morning and ask if I can talk to him tonight.
We meet up, and he tells me that they're going to ask the fellows to leave the house in favor of a safer location if they can. Fellows who want to stay can remain, but in effect, the house is going to disband.
I message Stedman, Zain, and Cathy, three fellows from the program who had already left for California, whether I can stay with them. They say yes.
My sister messages me saying that the school district that she works as a substitute teacher for is shutting down. This is concerning because that's her primary source of income. I call her and we talk about how we could try to come up with ways that she can help out with Intention and Hide Feed and that I can pay her for freelance work. The idea of working with my sister both intrigues me and makes me a bit nervous.
I realize that I no longer can attend my friend's wedding. Given the risky nature of being in a large gathering where people are flying in from all over the place, I had originally planned to quarantine myself in my room back in Brooklyn once I returned back from the wedding to ensure that I wouldn't infect the rest of the house. I had planned on working from my room and being a soylent-guzzling hermit coder for a week.